Women embracing imbalance and risk!

Is it possible that more women are easing off trying to find ‘balance’ in life? Is it possible that women have decided to stop tolerating the discomfort of the blurred work-life equation, where various parts of our lives slosh and spill into one another? Have we rejected stressful lifestyles where we find ourselves thinking about our child’s birthday party during a board room meeting? Or worrying about the project plan which was promised last Friday as we drive to the movies on Saturday night? Have we managed to stop thinking about our mother’s worsening health in the middle of a negotiation, just when our attention span is required to be at its optimum?   

Perhaps women are releasing themselves from those anxieties and instead are indulging a new-found imbalance in their lives. They are discovering that ‘imbalance’ enables a more robust and fulfilling life.

‘Balance’ does give us a firm foundation - a sense of control in our lives. The problem is that a perfect state of equilibrium means you don’t move. When you are balanced, you are stationary, holding your breath, trying not to let any sudden twitch or jerk pull you off kilter.  You are at a standstill, and where is the fun in that? Where are the opportunities for growth? The challenge to find fulfillment and self-worth?

Risk is another concept that women are becoming more comfortable with. We are trained to be risk-averse. Risk, we are told, threatens the status quo and can jeopardize our sense of social status. You know how this works. You rationalize inaction by telling yourself that you can’t afford the risk. Well, women are now making risk and adaptability a skill. Today’s pace of change, organisational complexity and increasing specialisation make adaptability essential. Always performing multiple roles, women are masters of adaptability at home. Applying this capability in business, letting go of the agenda when circumstances change, zooming out to see the bigger picture is the reason why women are doing so well.

It’s true we still face all the cultural, educational, political, financial and technological obstacles, such as the persisting lack of access to capital for women entrepreneurs. However, women have found resources. One strength often called upon is spirituality. When faced with uncontrollable adversities, our innate sense of optimism kicks in.

In the next ten years, women’s economic empowerment will lift a billion people into the middle class and create additional global wealth. More nations will rise out of poverty and become more politically stable. Women’s economic empowerment and entrepreneurial growth will drive the world’s economy simply because women are standing up to be counted, taking ownership of their own development. Women are choosing to act on opportunities that carry risk and facing their deep-seated fears. We are discovering that we can live with a little risk and imbalance in our lives.


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